Readers Questions....

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Hey Sonya, I'm new to the game. This will be my first sewn in weave, or any weave for that matter. My question is should I perm my pair before I have it done and after what shampoos and conditioners do I use on my new hair? Also, I purchased Tiffany Ruby Remi, is this a good choice? I read the blogs and I'm still a little confused.

Ms. Williams

Sonya says....
Thank you for reading my blog. As far as perming your hair, it depends on the type of sew in weave you are getting.

Full Sew In- none of your hair showing- If you get this weave, it doesnt matter because all of your hair will be braided up. Your stylist will "close" the top of your hair to prevent any of your hair from showing. This weave is best when you are trying to grow out all of your hair or when you are "transitioning" from relaxed to natural.

Partial sew in- with your hair out on the sides and front- Its best to perm the hair for the best results. This is so the hair will lay more flat and the hair on the top and sides will be straight.

As far as Tiffany, I've heard mixed results. I've never heard of the particular brand you purchased, but Tiffany falls in my mediocre range. It does the job and may or may not tangle after a few shampoos. Let me know if this answers your question and send pics of your completed hairstyle. Thanks again.


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