The Rules To Transitioning Part One

Transitioning is a big step for many. There are more naturals and texlaxed women every day than in recent years and it's very exciting but there are some ground rules to follow for a smooth transition.


Texlaxing is the act of placing the relaxer on the hair for the minimum amount of time to achieve a more relaxed curl than the current hair type in your head.

I am texlaxed and leave the relaxer on my head for 7-9 minutes before rinsing. My hair is not BONE STRAIGHT but leaves a curl. There are different degrees to texlaxing. Some leave the perm in for 5-7 minutes. Depending on the coarseness of your hair, that could get the root just a little curly. Those people can pass as a natural any day.

Others texlax to get a more defined curl. Also depending on the type of your hair, you can go from a Z pattern or an S pattern, or even spiral curls (for texlaxed ladies in the 3s hair type)

Some people call texlaxing "underprocessing" which means that you did NOT give the perm enough time to process the hair straight.

Texlaxing hair is great for those that want a great medium in between natural hair and relaxed hair. Texlaxed hair is easier to straighten and if done correctly, will curl back up once it is wet. It also takes a longer time to revert back to curly than it is for naturals.

The DOWNSIDE to texlaxing is that is is hard to achieve the same results all over your head. For example, the front of my hair towards the crown is the straightest but when you migrate towards the back, the hair is much curlier.

Some people do a BC or Big Chop. They chop off the relaxed portions of their head and when the new growth comes in, the begin the texlaxing transition with a fresh head of hair.

The other way they do is to keep the relaxed bone straight ends and then texlax the new growth. THIS METHOD causes more drama because that relaxed hair is weakened by the chemicals and your texlaxed hair is not as weak. There is a line of demarcation (where the texlaxed hair and relaxed hair meets) This area must be kept strong with a delicate balance of moisture and protein in order for you to keep those relaxed ends.

Sooner or later, the relaxed ends may have to go. Right now I'm holding on to about two inches of relaxed ends that are hanging on because I use the right products and methods.

1. Make sure you DEEP CONDITION with a good conditioner. I recommend Mizani Moisturefuse and Organic Root Stimulator Replenishing Conditioner. This should be done 1x to 2x a week.

2. You need a good protein conditioner as well. Nexxus Emergencee, Aphogee 2 Step(hard protein), Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor (light to mild protein) Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo (medium protein) Mizani Kerafuse (moderate protein LOVES THIS STUFF; MAKES MY HAIR STRANDS LIKE STEEL)

3. Low manipulation styles where you're not handling your hair daily are best during this time.

Stay tuned for Part Two


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