Should You Purchase A Lacefront?

Someone extremely close to me lost some of her hair in an unfortunate accident. Actually, if she didn't go to the doctor in the timely fashion that she did, she could have lost her life due to infection and traction alopecia. But that's another story for another date. 

But I was talking to her about her possibly purchasing a lace front wig versus wearing the sew ins that she's been wearing for two years.

Sew ins offer great versatility and are secure when done correctly. They aren't as high maintenance, depending on the type of hair that you use and look great when installed in the proper way. However, it may be time for you to step up to wigs.

* Hair Loss due to Medical Condition/Accident-- This is an easy one. Depending on where the hair loss occurred, a sew in may not be advisable. 

*When the hair is heavily damaged--There are those that should not stress their hair out in any manner, meaning no chemicals or braiding the natural hair. Wigs would be a better choice for you. A lacefront would be an even better choice for those who would like to continue the versatility that the sew in can offer. 

*Transitioning-- A lacefront wig would be great in this instance so that you don't have to worry about your two textures. The line of demarcation, which is the line where the relaxed and natural hair meet, your hair is very fragile here and needs to be handled with care. Wearing a lacefront while transitioning will help greatly without damaging your hair. 

*Just because--Many women just like the natural way the lacefront looks. A no-brainer. I was the sew in queen and was too scared to purchase lacefronts. I secretly admired them from afar when I saw them installed correctly. Now, I don't know if I'll ever go back to anything else, but I still love my beloved sew ins. With my arthritis, placing a wig on my head is much better than getting my hair braided and sewing my hair in, in a painstaking process. 


  1. Hair fall occurs due to various reasons and when hair fall occurs it creates lot of tension for the people and gradually they become baldy and they start look aged and old. Such people to regain their natural looks want to wear wigs. I'm personally using wigs from online store Elevate Styles for quite a long time and it’s truly recommendable. Wigs are used to enhance the beauty of face and personality.


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