EyeBrow Wigs Are Now A Thing But...

Eyebrow wigs are a thing.

ON YouTube, you’ll find beauty bloggers and vloggers, use these lace fronts for your face as a beauty enhancement. 

Some praise this new invention and others, not so much. However, there is one group of people who get shouted down in this debate. 

People who suffer from legitimate hair loss. 

Sure we all get a  little tweezer happy. Some of us have had to walk about with lopsided eyebrows, self inflicted damage to our face that was totally unnecessary. Some of us have had to get an eyebrow pencil to mitigate the horrific use of tweezers or wax.

However, there are some of us that have actual hair loss and lose our hair, including our eye lashes in the fight against disease like cancer, lupus, and alopecia. These women don’t have a choice and if they don’t want to be judged or stared at, need these things so that they can “look normal” so to speak. 

So what does it mean when something that helps women with hair loss gets co opted by others who are just looking to enhance themselves? And is it fair to say that the latter only thinks to look “perfect” in the never ending quest for beauty?

Just like a handicapped parking space or disabled bathroom, here is another item that could be used to help those that need the help, to be taken over by others, in some opinions. Others think that this is no big deal and that it’s there for all that want to take advantage of it. If it doesn’t hurt anyone, who cares what the use is for? No one is stopping lupus or cancer patients from purchasing them, so what gives?

I think there are more important things to be concerned about than someone’s face. However, I think that when it comes to these products, yes they are all there to enhance the beauty of anyone who is interested. Just remember that there are some people out there that use these products for medical reasons and that shouldn’t be forgotten. 

I think it’s a good idea and anything that helps people regain their lives and control over how they want to look for whatever reason is fine. No one should judge anyone. 


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