There Is No Such Thing As Brazilian Hair: Inside the Brazilian Hair Scam
In the Brazilian temples, hundreds and thousands of Brazilian women are lining up, shaving their heads, and giving their hair away. The Brazilian hair Gods smile upon these women as they give up hundreds and thousands of pounds of hair a year....
That this is a complete and utter falsehood.
The “Brazilian” hair that you’re purchasing is not Brazilian but INDIAN hair. 99% of hair in the world comes from India.
This is one of the biggest schemes and scams that the hair weave industry has perpetrated on the public.
I have issues with the other hair such as Mongolian, Peruvian, and in some cases Cambodian. Most of all the hair in the world comes from India. Think you have Chinese hair? You probably don’t. Most of these hair sellers add coatings. Mongolian hair is mostly Indian hair with a coating.
That’s why the hair looks pretty during the first wash but the moment you keep applying heat, you’re burning the coating off. That is why most women state that the hair isn’t real in some of the reviews as they show pictures of burnt hair. Mostly it’s real hair but it’s the COATING they placed on the hair that’s burnt and not because the hair is synthetic or plastic.
This is the biggest scam and I’ve been pulled into it as well. However, there is no such thing as Peruvian, Mongolian, Chinese, or Brazilian hair. Brazilian women don’t all go and shave their heads just so you can wear a 30 inch long lacefront. This just doesn’t happen. Besides, Brazil is a very mixed country where women have many different hair textures. Many of the women there have hair that ranges from stick straight to afro kinky curly. Many of them have many different textures on their head. One woman can have as many as four different textures on ONE head. Do you think their hair is going to look one way? Ludicrous.
That hair that you’re buying is Indian. Don’t fall for the Brazilian Hair Scam. It’s just a marketing ploy. Some of my best wigs make the Brazilian Claim. I’m not saying don’t make the purchase if you choose. However, you should know exactly what you are buying and it’s not from the South American continent.
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